SkoLa Dh Nk BuKaK!!!

Posted by nurul on 1:01 PM
(Menara Taming Sari)

Huhu sedihnye cuti skola dh hampir tamat..opss assalammualaikum semua..hahaha lupe lg..Waa apsal cuti skola skjp sgt..borinkk ar camni huhu(padahal ari 2 nk cuti skola cpt abis) hhaha itu lah manusia x penah nk puas hati n bersyukur yg dier tau asyik merungut je..x puas hati..org da bg cuti 2 bersyukur la ni x mcm2 nk complain..hahahah.Sebenarnye aq xde ape nk cite saje bosan2 lyn la blog ni jap padahal x ske sgt nk ber'blog2' ni..(tgk merungut lg) hahahah.Cuti skola ni aq xde wat pape pn..just lepak2 kat umah..tiap2 ari same je..bgn kul 10 a.m..mandi..turun makan..bace suratkhabar jap kalo rajin(padahal x penah2 bace suratkhabar sblm ni) pas 2 lepak dpn laptop jap..turun mkn tengahari..bace novel jap..pas 2 tdo..ptg makan lg..main internet sampai mlm..makan lg..main lg internet..bace novel or majalah pape jap..pas 2 TIDO..badan pn da naik..hahahahh.Ari ahad ari 2 ade la gak g jalan2..kat Melaka bandaraya bersejarah..G ngan kazen2 best la gak..main kat A Famosa 2..g kat waterworld.. best..mlm g tgk bunga api kat Cowboy Town..x msk pn tgk dari luar je..sbb tiket mahal sgt+rase cam x best kat dlm 2..hahaha.Pagi 2..breakfast..pas 2 terjun dlm swimming pool kat banglo yg my uncle sewa 2...berendam lama skit..tengahari g ronda2 Melaka..g naik amende tah kat Menara Taming Sari 2..best..leh nmpk Selat Melaka..hahah..pas 2 ronda2 dlm Dataran Pahlawan 2..singgah jap makan McDonald..hahah pas 2 teruskan perjalanan pulang ke rumah..hahaha best la..pengalaman x dpt dilupakan..hahahaha


AQ BOSANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by nurul on 11:46 PM

'There must be somthing I can do.'
I'm lying on my bed
staring at the wall
I don't feel like going out
I don't feel like staying in
'There must be somthing I can do'
I'm lying on my bed
That mark on the celing looks like a dog
I don't feel like talking
I don't feel like being quiet
'There must be something I can do'
I'm lying on my bed
My thoughts keeping me company
I don't feel like thinking
I don't feel like sleeping
'There must be something I can do
I'm lying on my bed
I'm bored


TeAchErs daY

Posted by nurul on 8:51 PM
Hahaha dh lame x update blog ni..waa!! rindu killer la..hak3.opss lupe nasib baik korang pn lupe gakk hahah ASSALAMMUALAIKUM..xjwb dosa tau..hahaha..hari ni aq xnk cite panjang la..tgn aq sakit nk taip.Hari ni aq nk bg korang tgk movie..kah3.Movie ni special skit tau..xde kat luar..hanya ade kat skola aq je iaitu SMK TAMAN MELAWATI..hahaha..cite dier 2 ade la senior aq rakam time teachers day aritu..so korang ENJOY jela cite 2..kalo x best korang leh komen kat bwh ni or kat shoutbox 2..kah3











waa!!! hahahahah

Posted by nurul on 11:53 AM

Waa!! hahahhahah ok x tajuk aq 2
haha arini aq nk cite skit
eh pehal lak aq ni..sengal lak..waa
hahaha td aq g chat kat sb
cam biasa la aq ni x ms mestila sb
mase chat 2 ade bdk nick ceriasentiasa
lak msk..aq pn klik la name dier coz name dier
unik skit..waa!!hahah..aq tgk dier ni pn minat
bace novel ain maisarah..waa!! hahaha
aq pn sembang2 la ngan dier jap..
lps sembang aq pn g la kat blog ain maisarah
nk tgk de pape cite baru x..padahal baru smlm aq msk
kah3..tgk2 ade la gmbr kttm(kelab tmn tp mesra) yg baru
aq pn scroll down la..tgk satu2..skali aq tergamam..
hampir nk terlepas mouse 2..waa!! hahah
nk tau sbb ape??
sbbnye ialah..
aq tergamam kerana..
aq terkejut..
aq terkejut kerana..
aq x percaya..
aq x percaya kerana..
eh aphal aq ni?? cam gila je..
waa!! hahahha
sbb aq demikian ialah kerana..
aq ternampak pic aq kat c 2..
waa!! bestnye2
ceh terover excited lak aq ni..
org lain pn ade tp xla over cam aq ni..
waa!! hahahahhahah
aq skrg ni happy+malu lak
pehal ttbe aq camni?? waa!! musykil2


Have I Ever???

Posted by nurul on 10:11 PM

Have I ever told you
that if I sit really still and silent,
sometimes. I like to think
I can hear your heart beating
in time with mine?

Have I ever told you
that when I watch you speak to me
through lines and cords,
and bytes and ram,
I imagine
your voice,
whispering into my ear?

Have I ever told you
that I wait out each day
in anticipation,
only an hour or two,
just a second in space and time,
to feel close to you?

Have I ever told you
that there has been times,
when I ached for you,
ached for you so badly,
that the emotions overwhelmed me..
and so I sat and cried?

Have I ever told you
that sometimes,
I will reach out,
touching your name
on this cold screen before me,
I could reach in
and pull you to me?

Have I ever told you
that after the first time I heard
the sound of your voice,
thousands of miles away,
I sat up all night,
turning the conversation over and over
in my mind,
examining it,
like some newly discovered species of flower?

Have I ever told you
that I would give everything up,
just for one night
to be able to lay near you,
to feel your chest rise and fall
with each breath you take,
just to know that you are real?

Have I ever told you
that I dream of you often,
I dream of you reaching out
and touching my hand,
simply to let me know
that you are there,
and everything is okay?

Have I ever told you,
have I still yet to tell you . . .
that I love you?


WhAt iF??

Posted by nurul on 2:05 AM

Friends tell you their secrets
Friends are meant to share
Friends are meant to cheer you up,
What happens when they’re not there?

Is it hard when you don’t have
Someone to lean upon?
When you need a friend to care,
but they, your friends, have gone?

What if you were split
Up from your best friend?
Do you think you’d care
If your friendship ends?

Would you slowly drift apart,
Go in separate ways?
Or would you both grow closer
Grow closer day by day?

What if your friends started
Saying things behind your back?
Would you stand and face them,
Or would your courage lack?

Perhaps it would be safer To let your friendships mend, Push these thoughts behind you, And make the questions end.



Posted by nurul on 9:57 PM


Love is not about

Posted by nurul on 9:07 PM

Love is not about "money"
It's about the passion
For love doesn't count cost

Love is not about "lust"
It's about purity
Being pure is being clean

Love is not about "blaming"
It's about forgiving
If we forgive we forget

Love is not about "jealousy"
It's about trusting
Because trusting is loving

Love is not about "lying"
It's about telling the truth
For the truth will always come

Love is not about "regretting"
It's about accepting
if we accept we'll have satisfaction

Love is not about "getting"
It's about giving
It's better to give than to receive

Love is not about "age"
It's about the heart
For love doesn't grow old

Love is not about "betrayal"
It's about loyalty
Loyalty makes love stronger

Love is not about "keeping"
It's about sharing
If we share you'll feel better

Love is not about "giving up"
It's about standing strong
For love will always find a way

Love is not about saying "I love you"
It's about expressing it
By deeds and by actions

Love is not about "you" or "me"
It's about us
for together we will last



Posted by nurul on 8:29 PM

Senyum kawan di sebelahku hari ini
hilang madu citanya
hilang seri ceritanya
dari semalam yang menyentuh urat nadiku
dengan suara yang pasti.

Anak lemah ini
wakil daerah penderitaan
esok seluruhnya akan membangun
dari gelora kegelisahan.

Semalam suaranya paling rela
melepaskan suara rindu yang syahdu
kerbau di bendang lembu di kandang
bertukar milik wang tambang
ayah ke Tanah Suci.

Semakin melunjuk sri senyumnya
mendabik dada cerita ria
nasi sekhemah gulai sekawah
bertimpa orang ke rumah
hilai usik kakak di pelamin
yang menjerat setiap cara pencarian.

Hari ini serinya telah hilang
tinggal keluh lemas
dilemaskan bayaran yuran dan harga buku
sedang ayah kekosongan saku.

Zurinah Hassan


ThE bEsT fRiEnDs

Posted by nurul on 7:15 PM

The best of friends,
Can change a frown,
Into a smile,
when you feel down.

The best of friends,
Will understand,
Your little trials,
And lend a hand.

The best of friends,
Will always share,
Your secret dreams,
Because they care.

The best of friends,
Worth more than gold,
Give all the love,
A heart can hold.



Posted by nurul on 9:31 PM

HAHAHAHA Amacam tajuk aq kali ni?? masak2..hahaha..mesti x caye kan..bdk tomboy or pengkid or whatever is it keluarkan tajuk pasal masak..kah3..opss lupe..assalammualaikum..Sebenarnye aq ni minat gak masak n solek2 cam pompuan lain tp mls nk tnjk sbb sjk kecikk aq mmg cam tomboy n kwn ngan dakk laki je..2 yg malu nk jd cam pompuan xP hahaha..Tp skrg aq dh berubah..hoho..arini aq nk cite pasal pengalaman aq msk nasi goreng..kira ok la..nasi x hangus..wakkakaka..Aq try masak ni mase aq balik kelantan seminggu..hoho..dgn bantuan bibik n mak aq..akhirnye siap gak nasi goreng aq yg paling simple la sgt..tp nasi goreng aq msk ni..agak tawar sedikit tp ok la wat pe nk masin2 kena darah tinggi baru tau xP haha xnk ngaku kalah gak aq ni..hohoh..mule2 nk bubuhkan nasi dlm kuali 2..takut gak..kut2 terbalik kuali 2 karang tp tgk org la..x jatuh pn..hahaha..aq pn biarkan jap nasi 2..smbg balik main ps2 lawan game keta ngan sedara aq..lupe lak kat nasi aq..pas 2 ttbe ngah syok main bibik aq pggl ckp nasi nk hangus dh tp selamat dier dh balik2 kan nasi 2..aq pn cam bengang la..x ske org tolong gorengkan tp kalo x usik alamat hangus rentung la nasi aq 2...kah3..


Jadual Yg Agak Padat..

Posted by nurul on 9:51 PM

Ola!! Salam..arini aq nk cite pasal jadualku yg agak2 dn teramat2 la padat skali..padahal der gak masa xde keje xP haha..20 aribulan ni ckgu ckp mgkn de kursus fotografi..best2..de pensyarah luar dtg..hoho..pas 2 de lwtn g zoo negara lak..kena amik gmbr kat c 2..ckgu ckp gmbr paling cantik..leh mng..yeye bestnye..kah3..pas 2 nnti aq kena g kem perdana..3 ari kat btg kali..huhu..pas 2 lps kem terus mid term exam..huhu kena blaja lek lok..aq tamo failed lg.. shh2 rahsia tau..jgn g tau mak aq..kah3.So xleh la aq on slalu..huhuhu cedihnye..xD hahahahha


PeStA bUkU aNtArAbAnGsA( firefox only can read)

Posted by nurul on 10:35 PM
with Aina Emir @ pesta buku

Pesta Buku Antarabangsa 4 April-13 April..dtg la beramai2..kah3 xde keje g promo..ola!! arini aq nk cite pengalaman aq time g pesta buku ari ahad ari 2..6 april 2008..ceh cam nk wat karangan je..kah3..Sblm pegi aq g amik kakak aq kat pasar seni..dier tuisyen..sempat lak beli air slurpee..umm yummy2!!..kah3.Ble dh sampai..kitorang sesat lak dlm 2..alamak!! berpusing2 cari booth alaf padahal dh dekat dh ngan tmpt aq pusing 2 cume x prasan..kah3..pas 2 tanye la org kat booth karangkraf 2..rupenye jln dpn skit je lg..Sampai sane aq tgk x la ramai org..hoho..aq pn ape lagi..sambar la semua buku yg baru kluar x bace pn sinopsis..kah3..ble nk byr aq bg kat mak aq..baik punye anak..kah3.aq nk cari buku cinta mekar di hati karya rose harissa tp dh abis stok..dier suruh naik tingkat atas tgk kot2 ade..ble naik atas..fuhh lagi ramai org..nk cari buku pn ssh..cari punye cari tp x jmpe plak..nk nangis rase..huhuhu kah3..pas 2 lps g booth alaf ternampak lak booth karnaDYA aq pn cpt2 la g c 2..nmpk buku aina emir yg baru terus aq sambar..dlm dokk belek sinopsis org yg jual 2 ckp..aina emir de wat buku thriller tp pakai name lain..oh..cam 2..aq pn amik je la buku thriller 2..kah3.Pas 2 smpt gak bergambar ngan aina emir..hehe..pas 2 penat lak..tgn pn sakit pegang beg buku berat sgt..rehat jap sambil mkn nasi goreng n minum coca cola light..haha..lps mkn tgk board yg de kat c 2 nk cari booth pts..berpusing2 cari dlm pwtc 2 tp x jmpe...last2 baru prasan de perkataan tulis 'to hall 2' kitorang pn pegi la..sbb booth pts kat TR2..kitorang kena seberang sungai rupanye ade jambatan..sampai je kat booth pts..cpt2 sambar je semua buku yg aq rase agak best..tp ssh sgt..sesak org..huhu..pas 2 kena balik awal..sbb hujan lebat n ayah aq dh dtg amik..x sempat nk g booth Moy..huhu.xpela thn dpn leh g lagi..lalalal xD


The Glitter...

Posted by nurul on 11:07 PM

hahahahah best x tajuk kali ni?? the glitter..haha.eh lupe plak..Assalammualaikum..x jwb dosa..hahaha..Korang nk tau nape aq ltk tajuk the glitter?? hahahah Sebenarnye kat skola td time english..kitorang kena wat kat sempena hari guru..pas 2 ble dh abis mase..aq g la group lain..nmpk glitter byk sgt je..aq pn amik sikit..hehe tanduk setan dh kluar..aq pn perlahan2 g kat kath..aq sentuh pipi dier..aq ckp 'sayang kath' hahahaha sungguh lawa skali muka kath kerana terdapat byk glitter di mukanye ( bahasa baku la plak) aq nmpk shaza ltk kat pu3 glitter 2..aq pn wat la same kat pu3..tp pu3 sporting ar..x marah pn..shaza pn jd mangsa aq gak..hahahahah ramai gak yg jd mangsa aq..hahahah 2 la kalo aq ade kat sblh jgn arap korang leh lps..mcm2 idea dlm kepala aq ni nk kenakan korang...tp last skali aq yg terkena..tp mmg best la..rugi x bwk kamera huhu..hahaha..pengalaman yg x dpt dilupakan..tp arini agak sedih kerana markah bm n math kurang memuaskan..huhu..k la..chiow dulu..hoho


Naim Out

Posted by nurul on 7:57 PM

waa!!! Naim out..sedihnye aq..huhu...padahal xde la sedih sgt..wakakakkaka :p...Aq pelik la camne Naim leh out..kalau lufya sorang je out xpela..Faisal la ptt out bkn Naim..Aq mls la nk tgk af lg coz org yg aq minat 2 dh xde..wekk2..xnk tgk..:p kah3...Pengundi x reti mengundi..wek2..hahahaha cam la aq pn mengundi..gle2..dh la mls nk cite pasal Af..buat sakit hati je..huhuhuhu

In myself I feel a struggle
In my eyes, in my heart
In my body, here inside
Sadness in-between my ribs is set
Light from outside is not let
Words from my lips I cannot express
Everything becoming less and less
I hear people around me
But I don’t have a clue
I hear far-echoes from a distance
Help me god to force this through
This pain I want to let go
I only hear my heart throbbing
Rapidly beating
My only voice as I cry I hear
Tears like rain, hurryingly down
As if cooling my ache from outside
My face tucked in, my hands folded tight
What is happening to me?
Am I alright?
I carry on – I deserve to cry
I deserve to let it out
This struggle, this pain
I deserve to express
Let me go on…

Hahahahahahhahah xde kena mengena pn..saje je ltk..kah3


Peristiwa di skola

Posted by nurul on 9:22 PM

Arini aq dtg skola agak awal sedikit...xtau ar nape..ble sampai terus siapkan latihan sejarah..hehe x siap lg..:p..pas 2 ronda2 kat kwsn dwn..halau bdk msk dwn..huhu..saje tmnkan kwn aq halau..dh la hujan..kain lak labuh cam bangang je..asyik nk jatuh je..huhu..ble naik klas..tgk semua org kat luar..pehal lak ni?? sape bunuh diri?? amboii celuparnye mulut aq ni..hak3..tgk2 bdk f4 yg cam BANGANG 2..konon bgs ar 2...ngah blaja dlm klas..oit2 pe amik mase dakk ptg ni..nk wat klas tambahan pn..g ar cari tmpt lain..BODO!!..geram je aq..dh agak 20 minit dok kat luar cam org dungu je..baru la bdk f4 kluar lps ustazah ckp kat ckgu diorang..ckgu 2 pn bodo..x fikir awal2..bangang je..ble msk ustazah bg kertas agama..suruh kirakan..aq cari la ketas aq mane..rupenye aoran bangang 2 amikk..dh la kira salah..bg penampar jepun skali baru tau..huhu..aq dpt brape?? hehe biarlah rahsia..kah3..waktu math ckgu x msk..dh bersalin ke?? kah3..waktu geo..dpt ketas...uitt berdebar2 lak tggu..skali ckgu x bg..bace markah je..alamak!! ni yg malu..ckgu botak..gedik ar ko..dh la name aq atas skali..ble dier bace markah aq..'nurul athirah...64%' kata ckgu botak...What?? 64%..gle teruk..aq dh nk nangis ni..huhuhu hua hua hua..hak3..aq sungguh x percaya..!! x penah2 aq dpt 'c' 4 geo..ckgu botakkk i hate u..hak3 Aq BODO!!BODO!!BODO!! huhu...ble waktu asar td..pu3 nk g tandas..kath lak nk g jmpe ustazah nk wat pembetulan..aq xtau nk ikut yg mane...aq suruh la shaza teman pu3..n aq ikut kath..langkah berjaga2 kah3..aq ingatkan panas hingga ke ptg..rupenye hujan di waktu ptg..kah3 ape plak ni?? lps jmpe ustazah kitorang g la toilet nk tgk shaza n pu3 dh siap lom..ble smpi..kitorang nmpk shaza lari n cam nangis2..x prasan lak de pu3 kat blkg..hei!! pe dh jd ni?? aq ngan kath pn g la lari kat shaza..tp aq hmpr nk jatuh..kain ni labuh sgt..huhu..tibe2 baru prasan pu3 kat blkg..alamak!! pu3 cam marah la..pe dh jd ni..??rupe2 nye..diorang kena marah ngan azizah anak harun 2..( penyelia ptg) sbbnye...x g solat...woii!! sekati kitorang la..dh la ko 2 toilet guard je azizah oit..( gelaran sbb dier ske dok dpn toilet)..sbb azizah 2..pu3 n shaza gado..aq x maafkan ko azizah...kah3..gle2..


Demam Af

Posted by nurul on 1:16 PM

Assalammualaikum!!..ola!! skrg ni aq nk cite pasal af (akademi fantasia) la..Korang de tgk af x?? mesti tgk kann..hehe..dmm af dh bermula..sape pilihan hati korang..Aq xde la minat af sgt..tp ske tgk time konsert je..kat af skrg ni..aq ske sgt kat naim..NAIM I LOVE YOU <333...kah3..aq dgr2 cite naim 2 rempitt dulu..btl ke?? xtau la..tp x baik fitnah..dosa besar..tuhan marah tau..kah3..aq minat gak kat nadya..tp aq benci gle kat ika n lufya..GEDIKK je..kalo suara sdp xpe la gak..ni suara cam..mls la aq nk ckp..nasib baik ika dh out..PADAN MUKA..wekk :P..kah3..k la aq xtau nk ckp pe dh..chiow dulu..JGN LUPE AFUNDI NAIM DAN HNTR KE 32999...setiap undian anda amat bermakna sekali...kalo naim mng..mmg aq sayang gle kat korang..kah3..


Hati yg hitam legam..

Posted by nurul on 6:44 PM

Assalammualaikum..hehe baiknye aq skrg ni..waa!! dh lame x tulis blog..kali ni aq nk luahkan perasaan x puas hati aq..baru awal thn aq dh rase xbest kat skola..xtau la nape...Aritu kitorang(geng aq dlm klas) wat sesi luahan perasaan..Kitorang wat ni coz kwn klas aq nk..kitorang pggl super qiss ttbe je nangis..mcm bdk kecik..(gedikk gle menyampah aq) hak3..mmg la dier slalu nangis tp xde la teruk smpi melalak cam bdk kecikk nk kann sesuatu smpi hentak2 kaki..lawak lak tgk hehe :p...Kitorang tanye la sbb ape dier nangis..ade ke dier ckp..kitorang asyikk kutukk dier..( what?? kutuk?? ble mase lak ni??).Kitorang terkejut la dier ckp cam 2..x caye la..rupe2 nye setelah disiasat oleh penyiasat bernama Dianza hak3 ( perasan gle aq ni)..baru la tau..ade batu api yg saje nk bg kitorang gado..cam bgs je..aq bg backhand skali baru tau...Batu api ni kitorang pggl dier ikan bakar..sbb dier hitam cam arang...fuhh puas hati aq...Dier ni gedikk kalo gado ngan org lain ske babitkan name org yg x bersalah..pas 2 ske reka2 cite..ingat bgs sgt la 2... bitch..babi...sial..pompuan gedikk...bajet popular...huh..puas hati aq..!! ingat bgs sgt la dier 2... dh ar mls aq nk cite pasal ikan bakar 2...aq buat kari kepala ikan bakar baru tau..hahahha...kepada sesape yg terase 2..lantak korang la..aq kesah ape..lalalala

Td aq ade dgr ceramah kat skola...aq ske ape ckgu 2 ckp...'hati kita ni ibaratkan cam secawan kopi..mula2 dlm cawan 2 ade air suam..pas 2 kita ltk 1 sudu kopi..air 2 xde la hitam sgt..pas 2 bubuh pula 1 lg sudu..makin lame makin byk sudu kopi yg dibubuh makin hitam air kopi tersebut..mcm hati..1 titik dosa yg kita lakukan..hati kita aq menjadi hitam..dan bygkan kalo terlalu byk dosa yg dilakukan..fikir2 kan la...dh cara untuk membersihkan hati kita yg hitam ini adalah dgr melakukan ibadat2 dan menghadiri ceramah agama..hehe.


New Year hak3

Posted by nurul on 10:51 PM
hahahaha lmbt update blog coz bz sgt ( percaya bz sgt) hak3.papehal aq nk wish gak la Happy New Year!!!.hahaha.Camne cuti skola korang best x?? Mesti best kan hehe.Xnk kongsi ngan aq ke pengalaman korang 2??.Aq cuti skola bln 12 ari 2 x buat ape2 pn just mkn tido mkn tido sampai bdn ni dh jd gemuk cam badak sumbu lak hahahahaha.hehe skola pn dh buka mesti byk yg korang kena wat kat skola ni.homework!!! huhu minggu pertama pn aq dh dpt byk homework!! baru form 2 blum lg form 5 ni huhuhu.k ar mau chiow homework byk!!! sayonara!!!!

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